Whether your drying load is large or small, we can take care of all your needs. Pigments and specialty chemicals are just a couple examples of material we’ve tray dried.
Our tray dryer features a specially designed air circulation fan arrangement which maintains a constant temperature in the dryer and ensures uniform circulation of hot air. This enhances the drying of raw material and reduces the drying time drastically.
We have two Grieve tray dryers that can dry at temperatures up to 450°F. Each oven holds a total of 40 trays, which are 46″ long x 25″ wide x 3″ deep. We carry several sets of trays made of both steel and fiberglass.
Upon completion, all dried material will be tested with a moisture analyzer providing dry content data.
Additional processing of your material can also be done on-site. Grinding, packaging, and complete warehouse services are also available. This includes, but is not limited to, labeling, inspection, inventory management, storage, and distribution. We provide complete customer fulfillment services for your customers.